3 Lies that are Keeping Your Cup Empty

If you’ve spent years as a people-pleaser, over-giving, and overanalyzing every action to avoid others’ disapproval, you likely know the exhaustion and depletion that comes with it. 

The truth is, putting yourself first isn’t selfish at all—it’s essential for living a balanced, fulfilling life. 

For empaths and deep feelers, being able to prioritize your own needs and begin to serve from your overflow will change your entire world. 

When you prioritize everyone else, you risk losing yourself in the clutter of requests. Your world and your days become filled with tasks that serve others and this often leads to a silent and hidden resentment that brews inside your soul. 

The irony is that when your own energy is running low, you can give through habit, but this is like running on fumes. And these fumes end up suffocating you within. 

When everyone else gets your energy except you – you also drown out your spiritual gifts. 

Therefore, when you learn to fill your own cup and are giving from the actual gasoline of your energy (not just the fumes) everyone leaves the interaction feeling different. 

So let’s break down the three biggest lies that you may keep believing that are keeping you last.

Lie #1 – Self-Love is Selfishness

How many times have you been told, or told yourself, that self-care is indulgent or self-centered? 

This idea is simply the ego’s way of blocking you from your true, unconditionally loving self. The difference between selfish and self-first is simple.

Selfish ultimately means that you do not know what you want, so you take from anywhere you can get.

Self-first means you do know what you want, you prioritize that and serve from your overflow.

Real self-love sounds like:

💞 “When my needs are met, I can authentically meet the needs of others.”

The moment you allow yourself the grace to prioritize your own well-being, you create the space for others to do the same. 

And this is how you become an example of what self-love can look like. 

This simple perspective shift shows the world that true self fulfillment is possible without guilt or shame.

Lie #2 – People-Pleasing Protects You

People-pleasing often begins as a form of self-protection.

As empaths, you can often sense the opinions, judgments and disapproval of others so keenly that you learn in your childhood to avoid this experience.

Then you learn and are conditioned to give people what they want, to avoid the pain of disappointing them. But while this might offer some temporary relief, it eventually turns into a vicious cycle of over-giving and overachieving. 

Yes you can go through life constantly managing others’ expectations, but at what cost? 

Breaking free of people-pleasing requires understanding these roots. 

When you realize that these patterns were built out of survival, it becomes easier to release them. From here, you can learn to put yourself first without guilt and rebuild your foundation from a place of fullness. 

Lie #3 – Giving Endlessly Means I am Generous

You can’t pour from an empty cup. If there’s one universal truth, it’s this.

Many believe that giving endlessly makes them generous, but without replenishing the self, this “generosity” is only a facade and is creating a bunch of resentment behind the scenes.

When your foundation doesn’t begin from a place of fullness, your life force—the very energy that sustains you—diminishes.

This depletion weakens your ability to serve, support, and nurture others authentically. True self-love begins with recognizing that your needs deserve to be met.

It’s not selfish to prioritize yourself, it is essential to embody on the path of spiritual healing. 

It is Time to Reclaim Your Power

Putting yourself first is a form of reclaiming your power.

It’s an act of stepping away from the noise of others’ opinions, judgments, and criticisms and tuning into your own heart.

It’s a shift in energy that moves you away from reacting and into a space of responding.

This space of self-priority allows you to connect with your true calling, with the part of you that is both deeply loving and fiercely protective of your own well-being.

When you prioritize yourself, you don’t just change your own life; you influence the lives of everyone around you. You show your loved ones, friends, and community what it means to truly, authentically care for the self.

They then begin to see that self-love isn’t selfish, but rather a vital act of nourishment.

If you’re ready to take this journey toward total self-love and wish to guide others on theirs, I encourage you to consider exploring our Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program.

This program is designed to empower you with tools to cultivate a strong, self-loving foundation and to help others find their way to their fullest, most authentic lives. 

You can get started by watching our value-packed free training here.

Remember, putting yourself first isn’t a luxury, it’s a responsibility to yourself.

When you take your energetic needs seriously and see how big of a co-creator you truly are – your purpose, and the people you’re here on Earth to help truly benefit from your presence. Your path to true fulfillment starts with YOU!💞 


Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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One Response

  1. You n your daughter r soo beautiful in body mind n soul.
    Your message resonates with my journey.
    I’d luv to take your class to touch deeper into my heart center.

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