5 Spiritual Mindsets for Aspiring Coaches

5 Spiritual Mindsets for Aspiring Coaches

A spiritual mindset is not a destination but rather a continuous journey of self-discovery and inner growth. When you embody the principles of self love, empowerment, and faith, you open up the portal to your divine purpose. This, my friends, is the experience that most are looking for; they are looking for a deeper meaning in the way they contribute their life’s work to the world. That is where becoming a Spiritual Life Coach can bring so much fulfillment.

As you embark on this spiritual path, remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and there’s no right or wrong way to practice a spiritual mindset. I encourage you to stop paying attention to what others are doing, and tune into what is trying to come through you. 

Start where you are now, you are not late, not early for your journey, but rather right on time. When you allow your own experiences to guide you towards greater inner peace and fulfillment, everything changes.



5 Spiritual Mindsets for Aspiring Coaches

Here are 5 spiritual mindsets for aspiring coaches that can help you and your future clients on this journey of spiritual transformation!

5 Spiritual Mindsets for Aspiring Coaches


1. Success feels safe in my body.

Success is the culmination of countless efforts, failures, and all sorts of lessons learned that are all sewn into the fabric of your soul being! When you acknowledge that success is a journey and that each STEP serves as an opportunity for your spiritual evolution, this spiritual mindset will make you more aligned with the Universe and help you manifest your desires into reality!



2. What falls out of my life, is simply making room for something better.

I often emphasize the importance of divine timing. Losing something may be seen as a necessary step that helps make room for opportunities that are much better suited to your personal growth and spiritual evolution. This mindset and heartset also encourages you to understand the value of surrender and trust, and to keep the faith in your life path, because the Universe does support you, even if it is invisible support. 



3. I protect my energy with healthy boundaries.

Setting boundaries acknowledges your worth as a spiritual being and recognizes that your needs and your values are important. It also encourages mutual respect and consideration in all interactions. Boundaries enable you to interact with others from a place of authenticity and compassion, fostering deeper connections.



4. My soul guides every decision I make.

Your soul has a unique purpose and path in this lifetime. When you allow your soul to guide your decisions, it can bring you inner peace and soul alignment. This is because you are aligning your choices with your true soul’s nature and not just following trends or instant gratification from the ego! Following your soul’s guidance can lead to transformative results that benefit both yourself and others around you, like your future clients! 😉



5. The universe supports me. 

When you are in alignment with your true path, the Universe conspires to help you fulfill it, often by presenting opportunities and synchronicities. When you pay attention to your inner wisdom you are likely to receive messages that lead you in the right direction. Remember, it’s all in divine timing. Trusting in divine timing means accepting that the Universe is in fact listening, on your side and supporting you when you least expect it!


5 Spiritual Mindsets for Aspiring Coaches

Why Choose Spiritual Coaching As a Career Path

The impact of inner healing is far more powerful than you can anticipate. On top of the life changing benefits of personal transformation, you can expect divine connections, practice game changing spiritual techniques, and have the confidence to implement all of these teachings into something of your very own that will light up others around you as well. Spiritual life coaching is a profound, advanced, and elevated version of coaching. We teach spiritual mindsets that transcend conventional coaching practices.

4 Steps to Making a Decision

When you start to step into some of this transformation work, one of the first things that happen is that you have resistance come up. Resistance is your ego basically saying “Nope, I like the way things are, I don’t want change!”

So then the ego can start to create a lot of excuses and three of the main excuses that people will encounter are:

  1. I don’t have enough time.
  2. I don’t have enough money.
  3. I don’t have enough energy.

Each of these excuses are coming from the same source, its a scarcity mindset. It can hold us back from so much of what we actually desire in our heart.

Here are 4 simple steps that you can go through in helping you make a decision to see if you’re actually having resistance or its just not the right time to take this step.

  1. Journal out your fears. Write down “I am afraid of..”, “I am scared to..”. Write it all down and get it all out. Once you do that you will create space for the next step.
  2. Ask your best friend (literal or imaginary) What would your best friend say? This will help you get in better tune with a supportive inward narrator rather than a judgmental space within yourself.
  3. Set a time limit. Give yourself a set time, whether its 24 hours or a week, make yourself accountable to make a decision within this timeframe.
  4. Tune into your intuition. Present the question in front of your heart. Try to get the “shoulds” out of the way, and listen to your intuition. Then listen for a YES, NO, or WAIT message.
Spiritual Coach Certification - Become a spirituality based life coach with Sophie Frabotta

Are you ready to transform yourself, become a spiritual coach, and impact others around you?

As you embark on this path to becoming a certified spiritual life coach, you’ll transform yourself and others around you. You will experience deep connections, have conversations that spark clarity, learn more about spiritual mindsets, and navigate the challenges and opportunities of being a coach with authentic empowerment. Our program often begins to call our students in.

It is like a gentle nudge of resonace from the Universe that helps you feel a synergy that lights you up with YES!  If this has started to happen to you, I invite you into our free training to learn more about how to get started.

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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