What is the Lion's Gate?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a sacred and transformative Quantum Ascension portal that allows high vibrational energy to be sent to Earth.

And this year is especially powerful because it is an 8 year, 8/8/8.

The Lion’s Gate occurs annually between July 26 and August 12, but this year’s portal will be the most powerful we have seen to date.

This Quantum Ascension Portal offers you a unique opportunity to connect with and tune into these powerful energies, aiding in your personal, spiritual and energetic evolution.


The Lion’s Gate + Healing

As a Spiritual Advisor and Healer, I view the Lion’s Gate through the lens of healing. This gives us a great perspective into what is possible during this portal opening. In addition, the energy gradually opens before July 26 and stays open well past August 12th.

This time period is not just about embracing the light and high vibration, it’s about facing and integrating the shadows that emerge in this bright lights presence.

I often say, once we start inviting in Divine Light we can quickly see all that is not in alignment with this light, which is why so many shy away from spirituality at this point in their awakening.

Because the light is asking us to remove the density to make room for these higher vibrations to anchor in and become embodied.

With more light comes more shadows, illuminating the aspects of yourself that need healing, clearing, release and reprogramming.

This process can be uncomfortable yet incredibly rewarding, as you open up to higher frequencies and let go of the lower ones that no longer serve you.

This healing process allows you to step into a more fully evolved version of your best self.

The Cosmic Gates Swing Open

During this passage, the star Sirius moves closer to Earth.

Sirius is said to be the “older sibling” to our Sun, and we know that when there are shifts in our Sun (solar flares, geomagnetic storms, etc.) it affects our Earth’s electromagnetic grid, and when this happens it also influences the electromagnetic grid of our human bodies – which is produced by our hearts!

If you’ve ever looked up at the sky and observed the star Sirius, you may have noticed that it literally twinkles, producing a variety colors of sparkling diamond light.

When our Sun comes into alignment with Sirius, the light of the Sun picks up these light codes and then transmits them to us – through our hearts!


Living Light Codes

During the Lion’s Gate it is easier to receive this Divine light and living light codes from our planets sun which has been charged through this cosmic alignment, resulting in a massive energy spike.

This energy transmission offers opportunities for dramatic new beginnings and higher levels of consciousness.
As this cosmic gate swings open, you stand at the threshold of being supercharged to start something brand new – something you’ve perhaps always dreamed of! 

However, crossing this threshold always comes down to your consciousness and choices.

So now is the perfect time for deeper reflection to get into better alignment with your consciousness.

I invite you to look at two things in your journal:

1. What habits or choices keep surfacing in your mind, asking for change?

That little nudge you feel is the Universe guiding you toward growth and transformation.

2. How can you actually begin to change these habits?

I like to break this down aswhat is one baby step I can take in a different direction around this habit starting today. If you can just find one thing to begin shifting this energy, and then commit to changing it, choice by choice, you will create momentum. 

As you make these tiny changes and get clear on what you want it empowers your future efforts to keep going through the more challenging moments.

Embracing the Energies of the Lion’s Gate

As I mentioned before, the energies that come in from the Lion’s Gate extend beyond the portal’s closing on August 12. 
I’ve spent entire months integrating these energies, allowing my body to acclimate to the new frequencies and giving myself space to accept these new living light codes.
It doesn’t end on August 12; you can expect your intuition to peak during this portal and long afterwards in ways you haven’t experienced before.

Here are some other things to notice:

  • What you focus your attention on will come into your reality quicker than ever before.
  • To get the most out of the Lion’s Gate, stay open and make time for meditation.
  • These spurts of increased creativity and intuition will continue as long as you make space for them.
  • Manifestations during this period can also be incredibly potent. 


Take a Quantum Leap

The lion’s gate portal is a deeply personal and spiritual ​healing opportunity. That is why I have created our lion’s gate training and meditation. This training will empower you with the tools to support yourself in the most loving way!

These meditative healing journeys prepare you for the massive shift taking place in your field. 

 You can join us here.

Here’s the thing about navigating this influx of light codes or amplifying your frequency – just like when you have been sleeping in a dark room and someone comes in and turns on the light – it can hurt at first.

When you have a guide who gradually shows you how to embrace that light, there is less pain and a lot more ability to ingrate, manifest and better utilize your awakening intuition.

The Lion’s Gate brings a spiritual and vibrational increase of energy into your life no matter what. This is such a fun time.

My hope for you is that you navigate this powerful time with grace, allowing the light codes to guide you toward your highest potential.

Happy Lion’s Gate Portal Peaking!

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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One Response

  1. How do you become a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification ? How do you get these certifications ? Through what entity ?

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