The #1 Secret to Dealing With Triggers

Triggers can sometimes sneak up on you when you least expect it. 

Before I reveal this secret to dealing with triggers, here’s a powerful truth: You are the only one who can truly heal your wounds now. 

No outside apology, person or situation can heal what emotional debris that you have swirling within you. No one else in the world has that power—you are the answer you are looking for.

With that being said, it is very common in moments of anger, frustration, or pain, to consciously or unconsciously project your emotions onto others, or vice versa and get other’s emotions projected onto you. 

This is the pattern we must begin to see through to being taking emotional responsibility. Your emotions are yours, all yours. 

So let’s take a deeper look at these two areas of projecting emotions: as the projector, and as the one being projected on.

As The Projector

If you FEEL an emotion, it is yours, period. 

It lives inside of you. If someone else touches it, you can still take personal responsibility in that moment, because your triggers are your compass. Every reaction, every trigger, every feeling; it’s all surfacing to show you where you have unhealed energy. 

When you look at all your reactions to external situations, people and circumstances who upset you, hurt you, abandoned you – as a way to show you that you have some deeper healing to do it can change what you actually see.

What will heal you and turn off your reactive state is facing the emotion deep within and choosing what parts of you get to stay and which ones need to ascend.

This spiritual healing journey takes work, but every single step helps you take control back of your internal motherboard and recode yourself with the truth you want to live in. It all starts with awareness of what “this person” touched in you, then do the inner work to discharge that emotional energy.

Being Projected On

If someone is dumping theirs emotions on you, do not bite the bait

When someone is triggered and projecting onto you, it can feel like a personal attack. But it’s really not. 

Their projections are a reflection of their own inner turmoil—not a truth about you. And if you absorb their energy and get caught up in accepting their opinion as your own, you end up giving away your power. 

Instead, take a deep breath, center yourself, and remind yourself of what you know to be true for you. In these emotionally charged moments, you must be the guardian of your own truth. 

You are the only one who knows what lies inside of you—your values, your intentions, your heart. Sometimes, when emotions run high, it can be easy to lose sight of this, but the more inner healing you do, the stronger this awareness becomes.

Staying true to yourself becomes a talent, a practiced skill. You start to recognize projections for what they are: other people’s opinions, not facts. And here’s the empowering part—they aren’t yours unless you adopt them. 

So when a heavy emotional storm comes your way, remember: Don’t bite the bait.

When you refuse to bite the bait, you not only protect your peace, but you also become a mirror for others to see their own unhealed wounds. 

By not engaging in an emotional tug-of-war, you give them the space to reflect on their own triggers without feeding into the cycle. 

This is where real growth happens—for both of you. 

Don’t Spiritual Bypass Your Own Blindspots 

This doesn’t mean you ignore your own blind spots. 

Whether you are the one triggered or someone is projecting onto you, remember that part of true, meaningful growth is doing a loving self-inventory and asking yourself, “Is there something within me I haven’t acknowledged yet?”  

There’s a big difference between introspection and absorbing someone else’s distorted perception of you!

And that is our #1 Secret: Know the difference between when you need to do your own introspection and when you have absorbed someone else’s distorted perception of you!

Stand Firm in Your Truth

It takes courage to stand firm in your truth when someone is trying to pull you into their storm, but in holding true to yourself, you become a living example of what it means to be rooted in self-awareness and emotional mastery. 

Your calm presence invites healing, not only for yourself but for those around you.

Ultimately, knowing who you really are, coming home to yourself, and setting up energetic boundaries can be your greatest protection against being triggered by others. When you know who you are, no one can tell you who you aren’t. 

To deepen this self-awareness, meditation can be a powerful tool. I teach a form of spiritual meditation—a guided medicine experience—that helps you return to your truth and heal the layers of yourself that are often hidden in the shadows. 

You can get FREE access to our 33 Meditations Page here if you need some help keeping your emotional center grounded.

So, the next time you get triggered or someone tries to pull you into their emotional chaos, take a breath, come back to your center, and remember: Know the difference between when you need to do your own introspection and when you have absorbed someone else’s distorted perception of you! 

You have all the strength you need to face these moments. You’re wiser than your realize and your truth will guide you. All you have to do is trust the path before you.

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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