Signs of a Healthy Divine Feminine Energy

We all have the divine masculine and divine feminine energy in each of us, regardless of gender.

However, most are out of balance in this way.

A healthy divine feminine is not about being a woman, it’s about having the proper flow of the divine feminine flowing through you.

The divine feminine and the divine masculine bring in different energy traits allowing for us to be well rounded and feel whole.

This article will highlight the divine feminine aspects, you can read more about the divine masculine aspects in an article that is coming soon. 

The divine feminine energy finds strength in intuition, brings healing energy to others, seeks authenticity, balance, and love.

In embracing the divine feminine energy within, you become both a sanctuary for yourself and a gentle force for transformation in the world. 

What Blocks This Flow

With all life’s pressures, past hurts, and self-doubt you can begin to feel like you’re going through this life journey alone. 

The unmet needs and unprocessed emotional debris can harden your heart, making it difficult for this divine energy to flow through you. 

But I want to remind you that the Divine Feminine is still within you. 

This energy stream is always there, fully present, ready to hold you with the gentleness and strength you need!  

What would it look like to trust Divine Energy? 

First, you would tap into your faith “muscle”! 

This is the muscle that fires before things become facts. 

When you allow yourself to believe that you are truly and unconditionally loved by an ever present Source you begin to get these faith muscles pumping.

If you already have your faith in place and feel aligned with your Divine Feminine energy, here are four signs this energy stream is healthy and thriving within.

1. You Find Validation Within

One of the most powerful aspects of healthy Divine Feminine energy is a strong sense of self-worth. You no longer seek validation from others; instead, you find it within.

You stand in your truth, confidently and authentically. You’ve released the need to compare yourself to others or seek approval.

You know your value, and it radiates from within.

2. You Listen To Truth, Even when Inconvenient

A strong, healthy Divine Feminine trusts her intuition.

This means you listen to that quiet voice within, the one that speaks truth even when it’s inconvenient.

You may have started noticing how your intuition guides you to make better choices, find the right people, and pursue meaningful paths.

This is Divine Feminine wisdom in action – a constant companion, leading you toward your highest good!

3. Your Hearts Position is Open + Receptive

In a healthy divine feminine expression, you are open-hearted, able to receive love, joy, and blessings!

You are no longer closed off by fear, skepticism, or doubt. Instead, you allow life to flow through you, and in this flow, you feel a sense of deep connection to others and to yourself.

You feel whole, worthy, and receptive to all the goodness that life has to offer.

4. You Only Take Inspired Action

Creativity and imagination mixed with inspired action is a vibrant Divine Feminine expression.

When you feel inspired to create – whether it’s art, nurturing relationships, or meaningful experiences – and recognize that this creative expression is a powerful form of your own voice, magic happens. 

It is common for deeper healing and self-discovery to come through this channel when you take this kind of inspired action. This flow of energy allows you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. 

This creativity feels natural, joyful, and aligns with who you are at your core.

5. You Have Peace in Your Own Company

A balanced Divine Feminine energy holds the energy of you being your own best friend. 

You experiences peace in your own company because at a cellular level, you know you are enough. 

This also means you don’t fear solitude, and knows that happiness doesn’t come from others but from within yourself. 

By deeply knowing that you are enough, just as you are, you radiate this self-companionship and bring a deep, unshakeable sense of inner security.

If you recognize these signs in yourself, congratulations – your Divine Feminine energy is activated and flowing!

When you nurture this sacred divine feminine energy within, you experience a profound shift where life becomes richer, colors brighter, and your soul feels at home.

The Divine feminine offers you this beautiful path toward self-love, healing, and alignment.  And if you’re just beginning this journey, I want you to know that every step you take is a sacred step home to yourself.

Need to Better Embrace the Divine Feminine in You?

Embracing your divine feminine begins with healing all the places you don’t let love in, feel unsupported, and are closed off from your wisdom channel.

Going through this kind of spiritual healing – a process that requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to let go of outdated beliefs that no longer serve you – will begin to open up your divine feminine energy.

The truth is, this kind of support, love, and wisdom you seek is closer than you may realize.

Here are two things you can do to begin to activate your divine feminine today:

1. Get your journal out and write the question:

What can I do FOR myself that feels sacred and nurturing?

Then set a timer for 5 minutes and write without judgment.

You may even find the writing takes you to a place that just needs to express and that is a super nurturing act within itself.

2. Begin to meditate and go deep within your heart.

This is where you can activate both channels of your divine feminine and masculine.

We have a meditation called: Your Heart is in Charge – on our 33 free meditations page that can help you with this!

And as you continue on your journey of balancing the divine feminine and masculine, allow yourself to receive support from a place of love.

And remember, You are so deeply loved by the Universe, God, your guardian angel and the team of loving beings that watch over your life journey! 

You are worthy, whole, and Divine – it’s time for you to see this and embody it!

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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