How to Know Your Masculine & Feminine Energies Are Balanced

The concept of masculine and feminine energies is a foundational understanding of two complementary forces within us: the structured, action-oriented masculine and the intuitive, nurturing feminine. When it comes to your spiritual growth, having these two energetic forces in balance is imperative.

This is not about gender, but about harmonizing and aligning both these energies deep within to create a profound sense of equilibrium, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Balancing these energies is about more than just personal growth; it’s about stepping into your full potential as a spiritual being. By integrating the masculine and feminine within, you open yourself to profound healing, clarity, and expansion.  

Let’s take a look at 6 ways to know your Divine Masculine and Feminine energies are in balance:

Signs That Your Masculine & Feminine Energies Are in Harmony


  1. Only Acting on Inspired Action

    The imbalanced masculine pushes, the imbalanced feminine waits. But the balance of divine masculine and feminine only acts upon inspired action, guided by faith and belief rather than fear.Getting into this flow state allows you to trust the unfolding of events, leading you to gain the knowledge you need to take action.

    When you know that everything is happening for your highest good, you are able to mix surrender with inspired action, guided by faith and move forward from alignment. Instead of pushing or forcing outcomes, you align with the divine timing of the unfolding of your life. 

  2. You Have Flow And Structure 

    This means you can dream big, but also take the actionable steps needed to bring those dreams to life.

    It’s a beautiful relationship where neither chaos nor rigidity takes over, but instead alignment and passion play together. The feminine energy of creativity and fluidity are held by the masculine’s grounded framework.

  3. Decisions Are Guided by Intuition 

    You trust your inner guidance while staying committed to your path, blending strategy with soulful knowing. When your masculine energy provides clarity and focus, and your feminine energy offers intuitive insights, decision-making becomes effortless.

  4. Your Heart and Mind are Balanced 

    Allowing the heart to rise up with answers to the mind opens a new channel in a higher dimension. This new balance allows you to navigate challenges with wisdom and compassion, leading to outcomes that honor both reason and feeling. The masculine’s logic works hand-in-hand with the feminine’s emotional intelligence. 

  5. Strong Ability to Stay Present 

    You’re not dwelling on the past or obsessing over the future. Instead, you’re fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment, which allows you to be solution oriented and experience joy as your natural state. Balanced energies keep you rooted in the now. When the divine feminine and the divine masculine are balanced you are in this now moment. 

  6. You Are Energized

    This is because your energies are “staying in their lane” so to speak. When this happens every part of you brings their best and this results in a pure flow of energy. Physical tension often reflects energetic imbalance. When masculine and feminine energies are working together, it is common that your body feels light, vibrant, and free. You’re not weighed down by stress or overexertion, but instead feel a sense of ease and vitality.


Balancing these energies plays such a huge role in your spirituality. This practice is transformative for your evolution and stepping into your full potential.  By bringing harmony into the masculine and feminine within, you open yourself to profound clarity and more effective self-expression.   

How to Create This Balance

You may be wondering at this point how you become more aware of these energies within. Here is what I would suggest:

  • Start by tuning into your body and emotions. Notice where you might be leaning too heavily into one energy: For example: perhaps you tend to overwork and strive (masculine imbalance) or you tend to feel stuck in overthinking and indecision (feminine imbalance).
  • Practice meditation, journaling, and energy work – this can help you realign.

When your masculine and feminine energies are in sync, you step into a state of flow, purpose, and joy. It’s not just about finding balance; it’s about embodying your true, radiant self.

If you need some help doing this, I invite you to meditate with me here in this portal that offers over 33 free meditations. Spiritual meditation helps you recognize imbalances in your energy.

By fostering mindfulness, you can observe when you’re leaning too heavily on masculine traits like productivity and control or feminine traits like intuition and receptivity. This awareness is the first step toward balancing these energies!

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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