Why It’s All Falling into Place

We are in wild energetic times right now. I know things may seem different, off or even uncertain, but I would love to offer you a completely different perspective on what is happening in our world.

We are in an elevation of consciousness right now, a phase transition from the old and outdated to the New and improved.

This is a global awakening of collective truth.

All the energy you’ve been carrying that cannot serve you in this next phase is surfacing to be seen and cleared, not to penalize or harm you.

This is the first invitation I will make to you today.

I invite you to see that whatever comes to the surface right now needs your healing attention, because you are in the phase of growing pains of the New Earth.

And it’s ok.

Everything will be ok.

You are ok and your breakthrough is right about the corner.

I want you to know that every moment on your path holds the potential for a quantum leap. Every breath you take is an opportunity to reset, to recalibrate, and launch yourself into a higher vibration.

Right now, even if you cannot see through the triggers or the circumstances, everything is aligning perfectly for your highest good.

When you make the choice to trust yourself, your reality begins to shift in miraculous ways.

Let’s take a look at 3 perspective shifts you can have that will help you move through these wild energetic times:


1. Your Path Is Unfolding Perfectly (Even if it doesn’t seem like it)

What if you trusted the complete unfolding of where you are right now!?

And if you need some inner guidance on a decision, the best way you can find out what next step to take, is by tapping into your intuition, making the most aligned choice, and allowing yourself to be led by the unseen forces that always have your highest good in mind.

Even If things don’t seem okay right now, trust that you are in the process of getting there.

It all begins with faith, faith in yourself and in the divine intelligence that accompanies your journey through all of your choice points.

When you put aligned action and faith together, you can achieve anything.


2. You Can’t Get It Wrong

This is the best vibe changer. You can’t get it wrong. What if you truly believed that?

I encourage you to release the pressure of perfection. Every decision you make, whether it’s “right or wrong” is leading you down your Divine path of growth and expansion.

There are no actual “wrong” turns, only redirections guiding you toward something even greater.

The love you came from, the love that permanently lives inside of you, will always guide you home no matter what happens.

See your highest possible outcome now.

Breathe it in.

It is already done.

When you trust, surrender, and align your energy like this, life begins to flow effortlessly.


3. You Can Change What You See (The Mirror Effect)

Everything in your external world is simply a reflection of the energy you hold within. Everything, the good and bad, the ups and downs, etc. And when you look at your world like this, you are then able to pull your power back and see that you have a choice over your reality.

It always comes down to a choice. A choice to release the fear or to hold onto it. A choice to embrace love or resist it. A choice to face the internal wound or resist it. When you begin to choose how you respond to life, everything changes.

But deep healing and transformation don’t usually happen when action isn’t taken. It is the inspired action that is so necessary for you to actually see these changes.

Trust the Unfolding of Your Life

Remember, your path is unfolding perfectly, you can’t get it wrong and you can change what you see.

You have so much power to actualize your quantum leaps.

When you see that every breath is your opportunity to reset and every moment offers you a choice to recalibrate, you will tap into your power to launch yourself into a higher vibration.

I invite you to find awe in the expansive energy vibrating in your cells right now.

I love to call these energies celebration tingles, this is tapping into your consciousness of being alive and this is a gift! (Even though it’s a bit tough right now.)

If you want to step into the space where you truly believe that everything is aligning perfectly for your highest good, feel called into spiritual leadership, and help others experience their own awakening, I invite you to explore our High Level Healers Journey in our Spiritual Life Coach certification.

This is a deep and powerful journey that helps you fully embody your purpose and align with the highest version of yourself.

You can start with a free training here. 💫 


Remember, everything is aligning perfectly for your highest good. I invite you to trust the unfolding of your life. It is this very trust that lays the foundation for your reality to shift in miraculous ways.

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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